““Brands that engage in two-way conversation with their customers create stronger, more trusting relationships. People today want a voice and a role in their brand experiences. They want co-creation.””
This is where the company will put ourselves out there and interact with our consumers and find out, what is it that makes Püvera Water the better water? Why do you value this water more than SmartWater? Their responses will not only help us find our strengths, but also analyze our weaknesses that we can improve on and the opportunities available to take initiatives into creating an even better product for the customer.
“Brand exchanges created by consumers themselves—both invited and uninvited—by which consumers are playing an increasing role in shaping their own brand experiences and those of other consumers.”
With the brand experience and involvement the customer creates for themselves, the more they are able to creating their own values for our products and then inspire their same experiences to other customers and this kind of development between the product and the customer is what will increase not only exposure but sales which means more profits going towards rebuilding homes and clean water for the Philippines.
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